Painful nailbed inflammation gone in no time!

Jorgen and I sometimes run together. We are roughly on the same level and know each other's race technique. And it's actually easy to see if a person is out of balance. If the...

A bit about cancer and finding power within yourself

Being yourself Once upon a time I wasn’t being my true self. I was quite different. I was the person, I thought, my surroundings wanted me to be. I minimized any personality traits that provoked or challenged...

Ouch, my heel – this is how I achieve relief with LifeWave

I previously wrote about a bad heel of mine that made the doctors wonder what could have caused it. It was believed to be heel spurs and other inflammation of the heel pad, but they weren't...

SP6 a wonderful gift to my nerve pain

In 1985, I had surgery for a disc prolapse which caused a spiral nerve injury. It caused me to feel numb in my left thigh and down to my 4th toe. It has affected my choice...

Finally handed-in my membership to the night-pee club

Have you like myself had an irrevocable membership to the night-pee club for many years? Oh, well, you might be thinking: It happens to all of us as we get older. We just have...

Summer and late summer without a single mosquito bite

Yes, even the little joys of life count. I have spent many late nights on our terrace in the company of good friends. This year we have also tried something new, which sleeping outside...

Shoulder pains gone in less than 10 minutes

In December of 2015, I meet 15-year-old Lisbeth and her mother for the first time. They come into the salon because Lisbeth wants to get a hair cut. Her mother has booked an appointment and tagged...

Ouch, my little toe is broken

I live in a beautiful old farmhouse with six horses. On Easter Day, I go to lock the gate to the pasture where my mare is, she is very healthy and dances all the...

30 year old corn gone with LifeWave patch

I was contacted by a man within my network some time ago. He was who curious to know if I might be able to help him with the bunion on his foot. The doctor would...

My journey as a breast cancer patient! The hard choices and the help from...

This is the continuation of my story and my experiences on my journey with breast cancer. I have chosen to write and share it with you because cancer is still a big subject of taboo....