Theta Nutrition

Theta Nutrition – an energy drink without caffeine

Theta Nutrition is a nutritional supplement from LifeWave that feels like an energy drink, but has no caffeine or stimulants. It is groundbreaking products specifically aimed at nutritional challenges.

Get your energy back up within a few minutes with Theta Nutrition

Theta Nutrition is a nutritional supplement activating the cell’s bioelectrical properties, making the cell absorb more nutrients much faster than seen before. This is the reason people experience the effect really quickly. You no longer have to wait up to 60 days, but can tell the difference within a few minutes.

92 percent of people who tried Theta Nutrtion would recommend it to others!

With Theta Nutrition you have a supplement that is natural, effective, and offers remarkable results instantly.

All Theta Nutrition products are manufactured from natural ingredients. There are no artifical sweeteners, colorants, or preservatives in the products.

Theta Activate – effective absorbtion of nutrition

Theta Activate increases the body’s absorbption of the nutrients in the Theta Nutrition production, making you feel higher levels of energy immediately. Add the drops from Theta Activate to each Theta mix before drinking it.

Theta One – raw milk strengthening your body

Strengthen the immune system and growth. Theta One  is used in the Corsentials health system along with Theta Active and Y-Age Aeon. Theta One is known for its raw milk, Colostrum, which is a source of IgG (Immunoglobin G). The B6 Vitamin in Theta One regulates your hormone activity and helps the immune system function at its best.

New breakthrough skin care products! Alavida leaves your skin silky smooth

The enthusiasm knew no bounds when LifeWave in September 2015 was in Copenhagen, Denmark to launch the unique, innovative, and breakthrough skin care products Alavida.

The Alavida skin care series already helped many people to a healthier skin. Many described Alavida as the product they had been searching for for year. Many

Many struggles with dull, oily skin, making them look older than they were. Those problems are now over with the advent of Alavida. LifeWave is to many a true masterpiece.

Get quick results – read more here
Also read the articles on Alavida on our blog – here

Alavida skin care

Alavida skin care series have already been declared the most innovative skin care product. Read more about the facial nector, night creme, and Alavida patch.


Corsentials is LifeWave’s health system. Theta One, Theta Active, and Y-age Aeon can strengthen your immune system and reduce bodily stress.


Would you like to again experience the strength and vitality you had when you were 20? Maveric is the product for the man who wants to feel young again.

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