Diet and nutrition

Nutrition is about the health of you, me and everyone around us. It’s about the right mentality, a healthy diet, proactive exercise/sports, well-being and optimal wellness. Here in our health section we’ll give you continuous knowledge about things like food, exercise, phototherapy, PCOS, using Glutahione as well as the latest news about the popular Win-Fit concept which will tell you everything about weight loss, fat loss and to having a nice body.

BREAKING NEWS! To Human LifeWave blog is to become an international blog forum

Since we we started the Tohuman blog in mid-August, the blog has been all about LifeWave products and protocols and how to add this to your everyday life. We are blown away by the overwhelming interest....

To Human LifeWave app on App Store og Google Play + COMPETITION

So are we in Two Human team once again ready with a variety of news about Two Human Life Wave app, and this time also a little fun competition for new LifeWave protocols. I...

Omega 6/3 balance: The key to a healthy life – PART 3

How to create body balance with fish oil - Part 1 Empower your body with vegan omega-3 oils - Part 2 How to get rid of chronic inflammations Welcome to the 3rd and final part...

Acid reflux – what can you do about it?

I get many questions about stomach acid and acid reflux. So I thought I'd gather all my best advice here. I hope you, or those you know suffering from the problem, will find it helpful. Symptoms...

Suddenly the body quits: From ironman to crippled

It's Friday night August 28th 2015. I've been down practicing boxing. My body fat percentage is now only 7.1, and my GNP is down to 23.5 (see my numbers at the bottom of the...

Whooa! WinFit – Shape Your Future: I am highly motivated

The butterflies in my stomach are getting bigger and bigger the closer we get to September 17th. I feel a bit like a kid looking forward to Christmas Eve. I look forward to it...

1st healthy habit: The hunt for more whole grains has begun

There is a new campaign by the Cancer Society in Denmark that gives you an inspiring way to change your habits by joining for 10 easy tips over 10 weeks. It’s not a cure,...

My introduction to LifeWave: A patch on the forehead and an excited belly

How can patches actually strengthen your body? I have several times seen people with small round patches on their body in the gym, but I've never really paid much thought to it. Recently, I was introduced...

How to avoid the snack trap over the festive Christmas season

Now it's time for Christmas, elves, Christmas lights and garlands. It’s December and we have planned a bunch of fun and coziness with the family, friends, colleagues at work, in clubs, at schools, institutions...

Strengthen your body with vegan omega-3 oils – Part 2

How to achieve body balance with fish oil - Part 1 ”Can't I just eat healthy?” It was an essential question at a congress I attended in 2015. Congress focused on omega-6 and -3 and...