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Diet and nutrition

Nutrition is about the health of you, me and everyone around us. It’s about the right mentality, a healthy diet, proactive exercise/sports, well-being and optimal wellness. Here in our health section we’ll give you continuous knowledge about things like food, exercise, phototherapy, PCOS, using Glutahione as well as the latest news about the popular Win-Fit concept which will tell you everything about weight loss, fat loss and to having a nice body.

WinFit start: Your guide to weight-loss and a great-looking body

I've received many inquiries while we've anxiously been waiting for our package containing the new WinFit to land in the mail. People have been asking the following: Is it hard to stick with the system while having...

WinFit update: How Hanne lost 2.9 kg in 10 days

Hanne is a good friend of mine who has the problem that she would like to get rid of some excess weight. She hasn't really tried any kinds of cures, diets, sports or fitness....

The new, groundbreaking weight-loss concept WinFit eliminates the diet

Another unique concept from LifeWave has emerged during their biggest event ever. With over 1,400 enthusiastic participants highlighting this year's event, all previous attendance records were broken. It happened at the launch of the...

Whoa! WinFit – I can clearly see a difference

Oh wow! David Schmidt, founder and inventor of LifeWave, has once again been getting creative and ingenious. Now why would I say that? Well, because I have tested the new lifestyle, body toning and...

WinFit with duck and pork roast

The sweet and lovely Christmas season - a Christmas story Christmas is just around the corner and we're all looking forward to it, adults and children alike. December can be tough. Oh yes, it starts...

Summer cure! Take a look at your diet and sneak in a daily power...

Summer is finally here! The globe has begun its walk on the other side of the sun. We still have many bright days to come and they must be enjoyed and capitalized on. Have...

Jubii, Theta Pure – the new alternative to fish oil

Jubii...yet another product from LifeWave has seen the light - namely Theta Pure. And you’ll love it! It contains lots of healthy omega-3. As far back as I can remember, there has vegetarian and vegan...

WinFit update 3: Get body toning

Hanne has now been doing the WinFit program for eight weeks. It actually goes well - even though there have been some dropouts along the way. Because there is both work, family and all that...

Winter ready? Avoid the flu despite a no to vaccine

Autumn is upon us. So what? How do you get ready for winter? Are you one of those who consider flu vaccine? Just like the car must winterize it and having winter tires on, we...

WinFit – new and brilliant, weight-regulating and body sculpting system from LifeWave

Many of us have been waiting like children on Christmas Eve. This weekend’s (September 17th, 2016) LifeWave event has been eagerly awaited - that’s for sure. Many have been waiting for something new and...